Altruistic DUPE!


      Due to continuous posts about how "Ragna-Dupe" is a scam, I have changed the download name because this is not Ragna-Dupe, we do not tell you to give us your user and pass and we dupe your items, this is a PROGRAM folks, you install it and it is used similarly to a bot, you login and choose the items you wish to dupe. I am sick of these lame scams giving a bad name to programmers everywhere, ALL YOU SCAMMERS NEED TO GO AWAY!

Please let me know if there are any problems loading the program or if it just plain doesnt work... I have heard from about 20 people that it just keeps reconnecting and wont stay connected, if anything out of the ordinary happens let me know!

Sorry I didnt have time to make much of a site but for now here is all I have. This duper wont work long because of the fact that Ragnarok patches a lot, so I will have to update it a lot. Have fun with this program, its simple and easy to use! GET RICH YAY!,

To install these programs, unzip the .zip file that was downloaded, once this is unzipped go into that folder and click "Setup.exe" This will bring you to a setup that will tell you the rest, then go to your Start>Programs>(PROG NAME) and have hella fun!

As of now (6/17/2002 6:33pm [PCT]) I just finished making a Ragnarok Bot entitled "BOT-TEK" and It should be out within the next day or 2, I am still fixing some of the bugs and trying to make it connect to the right servers because I think I have the wrong Ip for loki! hah!, anyways, GL GUYS AND I'M GLAD TO SERVE YOU!

Here is the program
File NameFile DescriptionFile SizeFile Rating
SuperDupe 1.0This program dupes items in a user's inventory or storage, not widely used because of skepticalism against scaming ( This is not a scaming program but think however you like ). There was recently a site put up entitled "", and this angered me very much so, because all they have is an HTML form to steal your account!, This is a PROGRAM and it logs into the RO servers and YOU choose which items to dupe, you dont give us your account and we dupe for you,nope, you scammers are quite lame and I hope you are reading this. 2782 KB
Bot-TekThis program is just like any other bot basically... Although it is in most case a little more reliable. Have fun with this fun program!2784 KB
(2.70 mb)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. How does this even work?
    A1. It is sort of a replica of what happens when you cancel a trade window and you have more than one of that item, although by sending packet after packet over and over, it locks the item into your inventory\storage, and by this I mean, It makes it so it will not disapear, and the server thinks it is a real item, and as some of you know, when the server thinks it is a real item, it IS a real item, and can be traded\used\sold to venders and so on.

Q2. How do I know that this isnt a scam?
    A2. Well, I am not going to sit here and try to make you think it isnt a scam, because I dont care what you think, if you dont want to use it, thats ok, if you do, then have fun being rich.

Q3. How did you figure this out?
    A3. I was very intrigued by what happens when you cancel trades how sometimes it makes a mirror image of an item, and I wanted to figure out how to lock them, so I studied how this game works, and asked various other people to help me with this.